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Wallowing in self pity/ Body shame. UNDERNEATH IT ALL.

This post matches it's title to a T.

At some point in all of our lives we do this, more than once actually, but why? Maybe you're absorbed in your looks, its are drained from children or work. Who knows? your life is your own.
I've never really had given a thought about self-pity until here recently and I've opened my eyes and noticed changes not only to myself but in myself. I do find myself loathing and wallowing with pity. But to make a change you have to put the work it'snot going to get better without the added effort. I've had to fight my inner being here recently to realise that my change will have to wait but it needs to be made to better my life and my childern.

So I say again maybe it's work, class, your kids, money or image. Don't wallow after all we are all suppose to love ourselfs for who we are but what they don't tell you is to love yourself in a healthy way.

body shaming has always been around and will continue to be because the media sets limits to what beauty and the definition of healthy is "but why not trust a doctor?" because its so much easier to want to be the way society looks to conform right.

Why is there a limit to a beauty standard? because we are all unique in our own quirky ways (gentlemen too) So you've gained pounds after stress eating, depression, childbirth or quitting smoking etc .

Hunny I've been there, I'm not proud of it but it's my problem not the rest of the worlds or someone else's' right to shame me, because of I'm just as healthy as the next horse.

We all have our different issues and reasons behind things whether physical, mental, emotional or mental. Why categorise the population because of looks and subdue ourselves to the hatred that comes with these stereotypes.

The world is a nasty place and it will continue to get darker because more and more people conform and give a damn about what is thought about their image.

don't get caught in the pity from others or from yourself you were made the way you were unique and individual with circumstances in your destiny that test your strength and can open your eyes to the beauty that life has to offer us all. underneath it all. 

Thanks guys:)
