m Nobody! Who are you?
Are you – Nobody – too?
Then there’s a pair of us!
Don’t tell! they’d advertise – you know!
How dreary – to be – Somebody!
How public – like a Frog –
To tell one’s name – the livelong June –
To an admiring Bog! - Emily Dickinson
The poem that says it all, the one that speaks a million truths in only a few simple lines. This is my favorite poem that I have come across not in the sense that it is a peace of history but because in the world, we are nobodies, to our friends not anymore but we used to be, think about it, there are billions of strangers in the world that we do not know, therefore they are a nobody to us, we do not care for their pain or happiness or their lives as a whole. We can only care about those that we know and we only relate to circumstances that fit events that we have been through. But why? I don't have the slightest idea. Just be brutually honest. Human's are too complex, the descions we make the things that we say and do. It's all a matter of conformity and of the late, individuality. We all suffer from the belief that we can relate to situations that have no ties to us but subconciously we connect events with events that we know of or have been through. It is our magnificant brains working at theyre very finest.
I love to study the brain, wait, let me rephrase. I love to study what's inside the brain, If I happen to see an actual brain I might puke. It's a gross looking organ but when plugged in and powered on, It turns a nobody into somebody, giving us who we are in a biological manner. Turn it off and we are as dead as potatos on a cutting board.
though, in society as a whole we are nobody's to each other but somebodies to our minds eye.
I'm a nobody, who are you? Are you a nobody too?
Thanks, guys:)
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