You may think you notice everything around you, but do you really? The way that we perceive things may not always be what is truly there. In fact: our minds create images to match what we know about things, this is how we can connect the dots between objects and what we already know about them. You know those tests where a color would pop up n the screen but the word of the color would be different? For example, the word Red is projected in the color pink. If you were asked to read the word, you would end up saying the color because your brain sees the color and makes the connection to the knowledge that you have learned about certain colors. Thank you Psy/345 for that fun fact! Moving on, You may think you notice everything around you, but have you mastered the art of observation, can you simultaneously know what the person next to you is doing while you are focused on your own work. Unlikely, and that's okay. It is not a mandatory thing to know the details of the fast-paced w...