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Showing posts from May, 2018

The Noticeable Things

You may think you notice everything around you, but do you really? The way that we perceive things may not always be what is truly there. In fact: our minds create images to match what we know about things, this is how we can connect the dots between objects and what we already know about them. You know those tests where a color would pop up n the screen but the word of the color would be different? For example, the word Red is projected in the color pink. If you were asked to read the word, you would end up saying the color because your brain sees the color and makes the connection to the knowledge that you have learned about certain colors. Thank you Psy/345 for that fun fact! Moving on, You may think you notice everything around you, but have you mastered the art of observation, can you simultaneously know what the person next to you is doing while you are focused on your own work. Unlikely, and that's okay. It is not a mandatory thing to know the details of the fast-paced w...

The Inner "You"

Who are you on the inside? Are you different from the "You" that is shown? We all have an inner someone, someone that is dying to get out and show their true colors. Someone that is a surprising part of ourselves, maybe we are more open, full of pride, brave. Why do we have these alter egos? Why not have the ability to express ourselves fully. One answer "Society" societal standards have led us to conform and fit into the majority, leaving our individuality at the corner of "Nowhere" and "Never To Be Seen" We practically leave ourselves in the dust. Even those that say " I'm not like the rest" You are without knowing it, you've tried to fit into the mold. Trust me I'm guilty of it. My inner self, I call her my inner goddess, yells constantly because the mold is becoming just that Black Mold. It's toxic and now more than ever we need to embrace our uniqueness and become individuals in all aspects. I personally would...

"You are Blessed"

`Am I though, there is not a day that passes by where I hear those three magic words. The words that warm your heart and bring up all the fuzzy feelings. I shyly say "Thank you" and go about my day but when I'm told I'm blessed I can't help but smirk and think "If you only knew" Inside I think of the messes, the number of diapers, the crying, the sticky hands because of the formula gets everywhere!. Not to mention the mom brain that bears down on me daily. It is a mess, it is no easy feat and to be honest, there isn't a day that passes by where I think "Is this really how my life turned out", "Is this really for me?" Here's a good one for you. "Can I do this for the rest of my life?" They say that surviving the first year with twins takes great strength, 8 months in and I'm wishing they were independent! *Laughs* It's hard to see the humor I know. I'm not saying that I regret my children, I am in ...

The Believability

To believe or do not believe is that the real question? The one that we hope we can somewhere in life achieve. Is there a point on the evolutionary timeline where we can believe what is said to us without a shadow of a doubt?  I've recently stumbled into a part of my life where I am in a constant cloud of doubt not only from others but in myself, my mind recently has filled with demanding questions that often leave me confused. I know that many of you can relate as we all seem to find ourselves doubting this or that. As a blogger in creating the honest blogging site, I feel that I need be honest not only with myself but my readers who have stuck with me. Any true writer knows that writing helps. So how can I find the believability again? Society might be a lost cause but am I? Are You? It just seems like an impossible task and undefeated quest that when up 10 levels your enemy kills you, (Yes, I used gamer lingo) Why do our minds race the way they do? we constantly dwell on the n...