No matter who you are, the pain is there, it is evident. It doesn't matter your personality because ever human has different qualities and quirks, A message to everyone: What your told is "Love" might not be so warm. She holds so much inside, her strength could sway the tides. Her power intense. Her love radiant but the pain she bares is hidden deep within. He is open about his pain and wants to share it with the world. his strength is fueled by attention. His power is from his drive to succeed. his love is visible but shy. He is young and naïve, wanting to fit in, he is told the girls pick on him because they like him. She is smart and intuitive and sees that people aren't fond of her. She is bullied by the girls who once accepted her. he is shut off from sports groups because of his interesting in a girl that did not meet the norm. The love these friends once shown was not real. It is pain. It is all a ruse, a game. It is the opposite of love. Everyday, all aroun...