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The Things We May Never Know. Curiosity.

I know curiosity has killed the cat over and over. Maybe, even longer than 9 times. But, our curiosity seems to never fade. As humans we always find things to oogle over. The things that make us question what is acceptable. Its actually quite funny. The big picture, I mean. How we stop and stare and ponder over the things we may never fully know about. There's a lot isn't there? We may stop and question things we desire the answers too. What about the questions that do not have answers the ones that leave open ended responses to be filled with the imaginative curiosity. Those my friends are the ones to ponder over. 

We typically assume that every question has an answer, but do they? Do they have to? and (Every so popularly) Why? Like you, I'm not sure of that. Not all questions have answers just like not all actions come with reason. Some times the things we don't understand happen out of circumstance with no reason or meaning. They just do. 

I know that might be vague to say because "Everything is supposed to have meaning" but picture this what if it doesn't? Not originally, we give life meaning. We give things meaning and in the meaning that we give is how we understand. Make sense? Stick with me here. Here's an example: We have keepsakes from loved ones, that we hold close to us. Why? because the object belonged to that person and reminds us of happy times with them in it. We give it meaning because it represents what we lost, the person, and all the happy feelings. 
Things do not start from meaning, its what we put out, what we show, what we experience that gives places, times, and people meaning in our lives. We can chose to live mindless and emotionless secluded to nothing. We do not though, there it is again. Human interest. While we may fear unknown territories we will jump to be happy, loved, to feel. That is how we are biologically designed. 
It is okay to not know everything in life, because lets face it. Do you want to? The complicated and confusing things that should probably be left to the experts. Sure, yes. Okay. You should ponder and wonder about things you do not know that hit close to home. Things that affect your life. I guess I'm saying your life should be your top priority not your neighbor or the co-workers at work. Your life matters first. You think Betty down the block sits and questions what you do in your life? Not as a whole, if your actions have affected her in some way then probably. Humans are intricate and hard to understand. While sciences such as Psychology and Sociology try to understand human action and behavior, there is a lot that is unknown. They cannot sit and ponder over things that they can not physically test. They shake it off and move on. As a researcher would say "It's wasted time to sit and wonder about things that can not be measured" Something to remember in your own life maybe? 

Final Note: There will be so many things that will happen in your life that you will not understand and maybe never will but that is okay because life moves at super sonic speed and if we sat and dwelled on all the things we didn't understand, it'll just be time wasted. Enjoy the things that you can. Revel in the knowledge that you gain. 
