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When You Don't Know What To Say.

Aw, did I catch you off guard? That was the point.
We all go through it, your mind goes blank and you can't think. Half the time you find yourself standing there muttering like a fool. No, it doesn't only happen in front of a crush. If you weren't paying attention you better just bite your tongue or start speaking jibberish, you'll still look like a fool but not as big of a fool than if you try to speak like you know what's being said.

When you don't know what to say, don't say anything at all. That policy is tried and true. Nod your head and think "Oh shit, maybe I should have listened to better" Bingo! When you don't know what to say its because you haven't listened. Learn how to listen? Listening is the best form of communication but how do you tell an ADD child to listen? You can't so it's expected out of "Normal" adults, pshh. No who said anyone was normal, half the time. Okay over half the time when we are quiet while others are talking we plan things, grocery list, chores, what we're going to eat for dinner, or even (my favorite *snickers*) We pass judgement on others, oh how common that is, we can stare blankly at someone while they are deep in conversation with us and ask ourselves why they chose to wear those jeans.
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Humans are a funny species, we say one thing and do the other, the majority of the time we keep those true intentions hidden and show the world the side that it wants to see. So to truly be ourselves does that mean its better to not say anything that comes up with lies, mumbles, jibberish that other people believe because trust is a hard thing to come by? You see I don't make these posts as a short ramble about cryptic things that happen in my life but to explore the endless boundary of the mind, behavior, and intellect of the human race. To share, inspire and help anyone who doesn't know what to say, sometimes a strangers voice can help light the way. We all in some way are desperate for help, whether its attention, a smile, hug, hope etc, we all are chasing that peace, the sentiment the knowledge that comes with the chaotic world around us. Maybe silence in these days is truly golden as we are forced to shove our opinions down our throats because our amendments aren't shit to back us anymore. I've always thought that one voice could stir many but what if the one voice stopped because giving up and declaring defeat was safer than the fight for justice. Maybe our minds contain the real world and the "real world" is make-believe, maybe literally "HELL ON EARTH?' 

It's so easy to blurt things out before we have a chance to think about what we say and how it'll affect those around us, another human downfall. We are supposed to be caring creatures without the unexpected "dark sides" that some of can't control. Or being told "I told you so" after making a mistake ( again, human 😮)
 A lot of the times when we say something it's habitual and flows out like water. So when you don't know what to say, say nothing at all. Laughter might be the best medicine but not saying anything at all can heal a heart beyond measure. 

Thanks, Maddie 
