Who are we kidding? Overly emotional. That's just a phrase that is used to describe someone who is going through a rough time. A lot of the time that phrase is pointed ( Yes, and I mean pointing fingers) at us women. Why? Is it because we are fragile? We are weaker? More emotional? I want to call complete bull shit on that. Yes, women are flooded with hormones which in turns causes an influx to our emotional systems. To say that we are overly emotional because our bodies go through this process naturally! That's right, Yes, it is a natural thing for a woman to have emotional cases. As women we are nurtures, caregivers and awesome lovers.
Counting the times that I was called overly emotional, or over dramatic about something that went against my belief system as a mom, and an individual is impossible. Many woman ( Yeah, over half of us, way over half) suffer from depression, anxiety, self consciousness and many of us lack the self respect for ourselves. Is it even possible to count the times that we had to suck it up and move on? (Probably not). Being a mom is 24/7 job, one that changes our lives but we just get over it. That's right we adapt to it. (But why? Because who else is going to right?) While that might take great strength, there are repercussions that we all deal with.
Feelings of not being good enough, postpartum depression, anxiety, a loss of identity. Really the list goes on. Is it being too overly emotional that many of us lose "friends"? Is it because we have kids, that chatting with us is too hard because we had to adapt to keeping little ones alive? That shit hurts, being dumped by someone you cared for because your priorities changed. Why the stigma, that young moms can't do it?
That when you have kids, your automatically a miserable wench with no life. (No matter your age)
When you grow up and do adult woman things, "Big girls don't cry", We always hide our fears, tears and frustrations because when we do show how we feel we are "Overly emotional" cry babies and "We don't know how good we have it being a woman" This misconception of woman being strong, is misleading, it is the thoughts of an absentminded society telling us that we have to conform. A strong mind and body to fit in with the men. Woman are "Strong" because we HAVE to hide our true feelings, we have to hide the tears, so we adopt the role of strength. Its a great trait, to be strong but one that has taken the nurturing, gentle quality out of being a woman.
Is it fair to say that being a woman is being strong? I've always been on the fence about how much strength a woman should have. Really, we are not meant to be a physically strong as men, but as woman we endure so much mental and emotional pressure its a wonder that we feel anything at all. Could it be that's why the go to name calling for us is Crazy? (LOL) Our perception is surely shifted from the sexism, discrimination and circumstances that we face.

Side note: To all the Woman that are hiding away, crying because the stress is too tough, remember that you can only be so strong and the weight of the world can wear you down. It is okay to cry, it is relieving. Sit, have a good cry, I bet you'll feel good after!
Feelings of not being good enough, postpartum depression, anxiety, a loss of identity. Really the list goes on. Is it being too overly emotional that many of us lose "friends"? Is it because we have kids, that chatting with us is too hard because we had to adapt to keeping little ones alive? That shit hurts, being dumped by someone you cared for because your priorities changed. Why the stigma, that young moms can't do it?
That when you have kids, your automatically a miserable wench with no life. (No matter your age)
When you grow up and do adult woman things, "Big girls don't cry", We always hide our fears, tears and frustrations because when we do show how we feel we are "Overly emotional" cry babies and "We don't know how good we have it being a woman" This misconception of woman being strong, is misleading, it is the thoughts of an absentminded society telling us that we have to conform. A strong mind and body to fit in with the men. Woman are "Strong" because we HAVE to hide our true feelings, we have to hide the tears, so we adopt the role of strength. Its a great trait, to be strong but one that has taken the nurturing, gentle quality out of being a woman.
Is it fair to say that being a woman is being strong? I've always been on the fence about how much strength a woman should have. Really, we are not meant to be a physically strong as men, but as woman we endure so much mental and emotional pressure its a wonder that we feel anything at all. Could it be that's why the go to name calling for us is Crazy? (LOL) Our perception is surely shifted from the sexism, discrimination and circumstances that we face.

Side note: To all the Woman that are hiding away, crying because the stress is too tough, remember that you can only be so strong and the weight of the world can wear you down. It is okay to cry, it is relieving. Sit, have a good cry, I bet you'll feel good after!
*Also featured on Maddietaylorknowslife.com
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