No. Not in my life. If that is your life, then this post might not be for you.
When we are younger, we always dream of how our lives will be when we are adults, we started to imagine the life we wanted to build. That included who we would marry and (If this is you) have kids with. We seemingly envisioned ourselves with someone that shared our interests, our qualities and perspectives. To sum it up, someone who was our twin (LOL) We create a list of qualities that we hope for and set standards to fit our vision. Then we hunt, searching for the person that would fit our wants, needs and all that is in between. Here is the funny thing about that, we search for a companion but many times, we find the person that fits when we stop looking. Almost as if we were trying to hard( A cosmic joke. )
When we are younger, we always dream of how our lives will be when we are adults, we started to imagine the life we wanted to build. That included who we would marry and (If this is you) have kids with. We seemingly envisioned ourselves with someone that shared our interests, our qualities and perspectives. To sum it up, someone who was our twin (LOL) We create a list of qualities that we hope for and set standards to fit our vision. Then we hunt, searching for the person that would fit our wants, needs and all that is in between. Here is the funny thing about that, we search for a companion but many times, we find the person that fits when we stop looking. Almost as if we were trying to hard( A cosmic joke. )
When we take the time to stop and look around we notice the things that were right in front of our noses the entire time. (Thank you, Life!) We find the pieces that we were missing (Or that person) and we set out on the journey of love. If we find what we are looking for in this person, then we settle. We decide its time that this person is our only person, so what's next? Marriage, living together? (Not sure which one comes first) The order of which does not matter because circumstance has other plans. Maybe your companion was a one night stand gone wrong but you are compatible in every way so Boom, your own perfection.
Hmm, your own perfection, yes that's right because nothing else is perfect aside from the perfection that you create. The chaos that is life may swarm around you but you have that power to give it the middle finger and work around the mess, or embracing it to make your own perfect world. So to say that we all have a perfect companion (Yes, dare I say perfect again) Is true. You've fallen head over heels in love with someone, your vision changes. Assimilating your lovers, personality, quirkiness, faults, all the ins and outs they have to offer. You take who they are and you see them as the embodiment of perfection. There was no specific person created for you, you've adopted this person into your view to form the connection of your wants, what they give you (feelings), and you run with it. Because to you these persons are perfect, they are your perfect companion. (There's no one else like them)
*Also featured on Maddietaylorknowslife.com*
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