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Alittle motivation for students and people alike.

Let's just say that jumping back into the "saddle" can be tough, but you have already made the effort and put one foot in front of the other. Charting a course for your future is not an easy task, certainly not for me. People will always tell you to be resilient and to persevere and it's true you should because you are your own success only you and you alone have the power to make your dreams come into reality.
I say that light spirited because it is so easy to be excited and make yourself believe that you can see this potential triumph all the way to the finish line but as time drag on and the workflows, with each new class you feel a sense of Awe and accomplishment that only you can be proud of and you should cherish that grade because it will get you far. There are also the what if's tuition, fees, technical issues, the struggle. Maybe your not doing so well in a course. I thought that I was invincible,

finishing up the rest of my Associates with countless A's and a few B's and BOOM, I struggled I couldn't grasp the concepts that were being taught to me. Real world problems had me losing focus. It's completely understandable and a hurdle that even I had to push through, there will always be a slip in the sand as you climb the hill, but pulling from the inner strength that wants to prove the rest of the world wrong.
You have this. Don't give up because you've faced a hard week in homework or you failed a quiz. Just try a little harder and stop take a look around and remember why you have taken the path toward a successful future.
For those of you that are young adults or even any age for that matter walk away after reading this post and apply this level of strength to your life. Read between the lines and see that whatever walk of life that we chose we all face triumphs and tribulations that offer the highs and lows of life but forward what we chose to do with ourselves through that time is the post important.

You can take the high road that one that has the dreams or you could take the low road and discover what can happen if you do not stand and fight and find the strength to forward or what you deserve in life.

We all deserve the best that living has to offer us, it's the path that we chose that can take us one way or the other.

Thanks guys :)
